Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation: Risks and Benefits

There are several advantages to conceiving offspring conventionally through the vaginal entry. However, it is expensive for a woman's genital area. At the time of vaginal labor, the muscles, tendons, and belt in the birth groove become impotent. This lack can lead to a loss of firmness in your vagina, which can affect your sexual coexistence.


Try not to get wet. Laser vaginal restoration can bring your vagina back to a typical state as if you were a virgin.


The systems of vaginal medical procedures that make the genital part of the female body more attractive and much younger have recently become the most valued among women who need to improve their genital style and improve their sexual satisfaction.




Vaginal laser resuscitation is the most well-known medical method for restoring the vagina after birth and for completely improving a woman's sexual satisfaction.


Vaginal recovery strategies can be divided into three basic groups: labioplasty, vaginoplasty, and hoodectomy.


  • The labia plastic (sometimes a spelled labia plastic) refers to the careful reduction of the labia majora and in addition to the labia minora.


  • Vaginoplasty or vaginal fixation is a method of fixing or reviving the vagina.


  • Hoodectomy or clitoris unhooding is the careful removal of additional skin around the clitoris to increase sexual stimulation.

As the name suggests, this outpatient technique is regularly carried out with a laser and carried out under general anesthesia in a clinic or an outpatient emergency room.


The activity takes one to two hours for the climax, depending on the degree of vaginal adjustment.


During the medical procedure, a talented plastic specialist uses a rare laser to create entry points and sutures, repair the vaginal tear and lengths or fix the muscles of the upper / front, lower / rear, and perineum. according to the needs of the patient.


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 1,030 vaginal recovery strategies were performed in 2006, up from 793 in 2005.


The advantages


The medical laser vaginal restoration procedure is generally less problematic than different types of medical correction procedures.


A recovery phase is planned to a lesser extent.


This fundamentally strengthens women's self-confidence.


It restores the lost versatility of the vagina and the legitimate capacity of the vagina.


It also improves individual's sexual coexistence.




As with any operation, medical laser restoration or the vagina also harbors some subsequent dangers and complexities.


The medical procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, where delicacies such as a hypersensitivity reaction can occur.


Also, the risk of scarring, unnecessary drainage and contamination are inevitable.


Since an entry point into the vagina involves cutting the nerve endings in the vagina, this can lead to a loss of the permanent or unchanged feeling in the treated area.


After the medical procedure, some women may experience a sense of death in their vagina, making this medical procedure completely impossible, as opposed to improving a woman's sexual coexistence, which can make her less comfortable.


Not only that, the hormonal changes that lead to vaginal dryness can cause your vaginal tissues to stretch again.


The laser used in the medical procedure can excite and destroy the vaginal tissue.


Scar tissue can develop from time to time, which can increase the risk of greater sexual separation.


Although rare, medical intervention can damage the bladder, rectum, or both.


If you are a woman who needs a laser vaginal awakening, it is important to discuss with your specialist the ideal outcome of the medical procedure, the unfavorable dangers or implications associated with the strategy, and the likelihood of concluding a new medical procedure, as well as the length of the medical procedure and aftercare.